Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It's that time of year I guess

Here's a picture that my wife took yesterday. My son actually saw the lizards first and pointed them out to his mom... This of course led to the "What are they doing?" question. Oh to be that young and flexible again.

... You think this qualifies as porn?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Figure this one out Twist (it's a word problem, er... sort of)

I came across the following and some other ineresting things at Famous Problems in the history of Mathematics:

Paradox 1: The Motionless Runner
A runner wants to run a certain
distance - let us say 100 meters - in a finite time. But to reach the 100-meter
mark, the runner must first reach the 50-meter mark, and to reach that, the
runner must first run 25 meters. But to do that, he or she must first run 12.5
Since space is infinitely divisible, we can repeat these
'requirements' forever. Thus the runner has to reach an infinite number of
'midpoints' in a finite time. This is impossible, so the runner can never reach
his goal. In general, anyone who wants to move from one point to another must
meet these requirements, and so motion is impossible, and what we perceive as
motion is merely an illusion.

Don't think about it too hard or you'll get a nose bleed.

more Archery stuff

Here's a little more information for those of you who are into Archery. When it comes to multi-pinned sights, you can't go wrong with the Dead Nuts Pro II made by Copper John. They're sights are built tough.

As for releases, I haven't found anything I liked more than the Fletchunter Shorty made by Jim Fletcher Archery. I haven't felt a release fire any more smoothly than this. It's a wrist wrap style release so you don't have to worry about dropping when you're in your treestand and it's easy to lock onto you nock-loop.

So. Let's review.

Big Dawg Archery (my buddy's new stabilizer company)... anything this guy makes has got to be quality. He's been in archery for years and has a pretty good idea of what he's doning. ;O)

Bowtech bows... The best bows on the market today (in my humble opinion) . These guys will take care of thier customers.

Copper John... They're sights are built tough.

Jim Fletcher Archery... Compact, smooth, and sturdy releases.

Archerytalk... Anything you need to know about archery can be found here.

Gas Problems Solved??

Science has done it again.
"If you could make a car engine that was as efficient as one of these black hole engines, you could get about a billion miles per gallon of gas," Allen said. "In anyone's book, that would be pretty green."

Now if we could just catch one of these elusive "Blackholes" all of our problems would be solved.


There's no need to fear... Underdog is here!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

El Jeffe's Competition

I wonder if El Jeffe's ninja skills can hold up to the "Urban Ninja"

Jump Master Dance Video

I'm here to share possibly the best dance video ever (yes, Ever). This video might even beat your Russian dancers, Twist. Without further ado, here is the...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Big Dawg Archery

Here's another archery post for ya'. My good friend just co-founded a company dealing in dampning systems (stabilizers) for bows. Anyone who's into archery knows the value of a good stabilizer... Anyway, here's the link (keep in mind he just started this company and got the website up and running so it's still a little rough around the edges).

You can also check out for comments about their products (and pretty much anything else you might want to know about archery).

Bowtech Archery

As requested my young S-2 Padawon.

Here is the best brand of bow on the market... Bowtech

I'm lucky enough to own two of these fine bows - the '03 Patriot Dually and the '05 Allegiance. I'll be sure to pass on more info when I have more time, but in my humble opinion this company is making the most advanced bows on the market and their customer service is second to none.

"This ain't your daddy's bow"
- Bowtech's motto

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Crazy Frog

For those of you that have never heard of or seen the "Crazy Frog" in action here you go... According to numerous reliable source he's all the craze in England right now. You can find all kinds of merchandise pretaining to him with a quick web search... I think I might get the lunch box. :O)