"We the willing, led by the unknowing, do the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing."
I've been busy lately working on my house. Here's a few pictures of what I've done this weekend - or made my wife do while I drank beer. New carpet, transition pieces, and counter top. I'm working on the Master Bath too, but I don't have pictures of that yet. The wife is painting the entire house (interior) and working on the Kitchen cabinets.
Just thought that I'd let everyone know that I finally got my orders (for PCS). I got them yesterday - of course, right before a 4-day weekend. I'm supposed to sign-out on Leave on 1 JUN 06 so I effectively only have 3 days to clear CJR and Benning... Let's hear it for our outstanding S-1 office!
HIP HIP! Hooray!! HIP HIP! Hooray!! HIP HIP! Hooray!!
I know I'm going to Hell for posting this, but it's just too funny (in a "sick, you're all going to hate me for thinking this is funny" kind of way) to not post. Anyway, here are the Party Animals getting down with thier bad selves.
Twist, I wanted to write something mean about your connection with this video, but I couldn't think of anything. So think of something mean and witty; then pretend like I said it.
** Disclaimer: None of the above statements where meant to be offense. As a matter of fact, I really respect and fear Asians, because I believe that they all know Kung Fu (or an equally dangerous martial art) and could therefore beat me up.
This comedian has compiled the last 40 years of dance into about 5 minutes. Greg, you should remember all of these from your younger days... didn't you give Elvis dancing lessons before he made it big?
Sorry I haven't been on recently. It's been kinda hectic at work - since we've actually been doing some training for once. Good thing is, the guys we were playing with invited us back. The boys did great too, considering the limited time that we had to prep and train-up.