Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Here's a rose from my yard.


Anonymous said...

You had me at "Rose."

Kell said...

Is that a climber? It is beautiful.

Jason Evans said...

Why is Bette Midler going thru my head right now ??

HUMN330 - Brown, K said...

Kell - It's a bush, but it's a little weak so i put the lattice up last year. And thank you.

Jason - It's because you're gay. :O)~

Kell said...

Posting with fear in my heart that your nutjob friends will give you massive grief. Is it a Hybrid Tea?

Hint- Apparently, if you answer something that is questionable but then follow it up with a MONSTER TRUCKS and BOOBIES, they will let you slide. That is Twist's scam anyway.

HUMN330 - Brown, K said...

I'm not sure what it is. It was here when we bought the house. I just nersed it back to heal.

Anonymous said...

That's because you're a gay-communist. That's what they do. They "heal" flowers. Fruitcake.

Kell said...

This is why I love the internet.... I get to see grownups in action. Being around so many kids... you start to miss it. Oh wait.... you're. doing. the. same. crap. as. they. are!! what the heck? Are my kids blogging now?

Anonymous said...

I know you are but what am I!

HUMN330 - Brown, K said...

I rubber and you're glue!!!

Anonymous said...

We got her good!

Kell said...

To quote my favorite philosopher….. Twist, you are a

Underdog is still basking in brilliance for the rest of the day….

HUMN330 - Brown, K said...

It's almost the end of the day and I just wasted all my "brilliance" doing manual labor. :O(

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! inserting and removing rgp contact lenses contact lens lab equipment business loan