I apologize for not posting the next leg of my journey until now. We were diving at the Rea Sea again for the past couple days. For those of you who are worried about what I had for breakfast this morning... I had fresh lobster on the beach (we caught 18 this weekend). With that said, let's move on to the 2nd leg of the journey.
Our next stop was Madaba, Jordan. At 60,000 residents, it's the 5th most populated town in Jordan. It's mentioned in the Bible in Numbers 21:30 and Joshua 13:9. The town is best known for its Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics which are found primarily in the north areas of the town. The sites we visited were the Church of the Virgin Mary and St. George's Cathedral.
At St. George's Cathedral is the home of the Map of Madaba. Dated to the 6th century AD, it was rediscovered in 1896. It is the oldest map of the Holy Land still in existence today. It is a detailed map of Jerusalem as it appeared at the height of the Byzantine period.
can we trade lives for a weekend??
thanks so much for sharing....
"Oooh, look at me. My name's Underdog and my life is a bazillion times better than yours. Blaa blaa blaa."
Whatever. Like that's as interesting as Tucson, Arizona. Loser.
Wish you were here with me, buddy.
Me too, actually. WTF is wrong with me... ha.
By the way, Zack says hi. He's hanging out here in Vegas for a couple days.
Plante?! That's awesome tell I said Hi. He's like 1,000 times cooler than you!! ;O)
Yeah, but at least I can form a complete sentence! ...tell I said Hi." What the hell is that all about? You need me.
Oh and also, it looks as though he will be going back to 3/75. He reports next week.
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