Just to prove to Twist that I am really not in Nevada I am include these pictures. As you can see there are camels and goats here - the goats seem to own the roads in places. The other two pictures are of the sun setting over the Red Sea and the sun rising over the mountains east of the dive site we were at.
Kell, I wish I had seen you warning about the sand in my under carriage before this weekend. Thanks anyway.

very cool photos...
Dude, I've totally seen camels here in Nevada. In fact, I think I've actually seen that camel.
Heh. Seriously though, cool pics. And being able to snorkel in the Red Sea is way cool, especially on Uncle Sam's dime. Plus, it makes for great story time when you're hob nobbin' with the rich and famous. Which I know you like to do.
Holy crap! That's not work! If you do all that, AND have access to beer, then you should be paying the Army to be there, not the other way around.
"Stealing from the Army..." As a great man once said...
As soon as I get an underwater camera I'll try to get some pics up of some of the sea creatures.
Jonathan, Unfortunatly Alcohol is illegal in the Kingdom - and most of the crimes here have some pretty stiff penalties (i.e. drug are punishable by death, stealing will get you hand cut off, etc).
but really good beer is worth it.
Then you better hide all your reefer!
hi baby, love the pictures and the family says hi. i found a scuba shop with classes and underwater cameras. anna is doing great and i hope you get your package soon.
love me
twisted what's up. it's been a long time, i hope you haven't replaced me with one of those show girls.
later my sexy men
Oh sweeeeeet! My girlfriend is finally commenting on this blog!
Ha. I've been gone for over a week, so this is the first chance I've had to reply.
By the way Underdog, do you know a guy by the name of Robby Johnson? 3/75 guy who was a sniper. Friends with Hayes... At any rate, he placed second in the shooting match I was just at. Good guy.
Yeah I know Johnson; and yeah he is a good guy... It's good to hear that he did so well at the shoot.
And yeah I'll will post something soon.
Man oh man, you have *one* day before it will be an entire month of not posting. No posting makes Mr. Twisted something something... CRAZY? Don't mind if I do!!!
You just wish you looked this good
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