We have been venturing out a little more in the past week. We've been checking out some of the different training areas and you'll never guess what i fought.... Sand!! Lots and lots of Sand!! I know what you're thinking, "Sand?! Not in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", but yes it's true.
It's the end of the week here in the Kingdom and I'm ready for a break. These hours (0900-1300) have been brutal. We have to sit and talk and drink tea. In all seriousness, we have just about gotten everything we need to start teaching - and, as usual, just in the knick of time.
We've been getting to know our Interpretors a little better. They bought us some local food for breakfast this morning. I can't remember the name of it, but it basically consisted of a pita type bread that we dipped in a sort of bean dip. It was pretty good.
As promised I'm also posting a couple of pictures. See if you can find the Truck in the picture of the desert. That's about all that's going on around the Kingdom right now.
Hey Jason,
Thanks for setting that briefcase up with those classes. I got them all downloaded today... You Da' Man!!
Oh dude, you are so caught! You're not in Saudi Arabia, you're in friggin' NEVADA!
And hey, slow down on those hours, for crying out loud. You don't want to burn out in the first month.
And is that a UFO in the first picture? I think it is. What kind of secret-squirrel spook-job are you doing, anyway??
I was glad to see the KFC on the street corner. Even if we can't overrun Saudi and subject them to our Western ideas of government, at least we can export our Western ideas of foods that cause heart attacks. Sweet! Make sure they try the mashed potatoes. The Col does a good job with his potatoes.
Hey you! Glad to hear you are having so much fun! Careful you don't get that sand in your under carriage.
I wonder if that KFC has the most recent heart attack on a plate creation I saw on tv... bowl of mashers, covered in corn, covered in fried chicken fingers (do chickes have fingers??) and then smothered in gravy. Great Googa Mooga. Enough calories and fat to keep a cardiac unit in business for a year.
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